welcome to suicide party, a clique for people with unnaturally colored hair! this clique was last updated july 7th, 2024!
for text links, feel free to customize! for images, please save and reupload to your own host!
SUICIDE PARTY: come dye with us
i sold my soul to ___
people: hair colors
people: hair styles
people: skin tones
people: filled requests
because there are so many options for the pixel people, i'm leaving it up to request or personal recoloring. what this means is you can tell me in the join form the combination you'd want to use and i'll post it when i'm able to. (check the title text by hovering over images to see what i'm calling them. ex. if you want a medium skintone with long magenta hair, you'd put "requesting magenta long medium" in your message)
you're also free to completely customize one yourself! (if you want to submit something you customized for others to use, feel free to use the join form for this purpose as well. be sure to include your name/site and url where the pixel can be found so i can find it and credit you!)
i just don't have time or spoons to recolor everything so many times when i'm not sure if anyone will use it, sorry! ;w;
- your name
- your email and/or discord handle (this is in case i need to reach you; this will NOT be displayed on the members list)
- your website(s) url(s) and name(s)
please make sure you have a link back to the clique somewhere on your site before you submit the form! (if you have multiple sites you want to join with, feel free; just make sure the clique is linked on all of them. if you're requesting a pixel person, use a text link in the meantime). also note that i will use the case you use in your form regarding capitalization and stylization!
if you need your info updated, feel free to submit another form - just note what your info originally was so i know what to edit!
note: this clique is not run via script, and is manually updated. please give me some time to add you. feel free to submit a form again if you think i might not have gotten the message, though ;w;
- adam @ record scratch
- Aelyn @ Aelysia
- Alice @ Code Crusader
- Ana @ Precious
- Arwen @ wings.nu
- Bella @ show me love
- Belle @ avenue
- Chrisie @ Strong Is Fighting
- christina @ Midnight-Cloud Network
- christine @ christinee
- Deborah @ I Heart You
- Dryad @ Dryad Glen
- Emily Spinach @ Emily Spinach
- erin @ gensoukai + strawberry gashes
- Karin @ Imaginary Karin
- kiki @ jubiland
- Lian @ Libre Town
- Maddy @ with-paranoia.com
- michael @ emo cowboy
- Neptune @ GlitterTown
rainbow background by lovetiny, paint background by neo-himeism, pixel people by candied (unfortunately defunct)
listed at |